Substituting medical devices: Lessons from Europe and Morocco

Medical devices containing PVC are often plasticised with DEHP – a phthalate classified as an endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC). For the healthcare sector to truly do no harm, such harmful chemicals should be substituted for safer alternatives when available. It is important to identify those medical devices posing the highest risk and the populations most exposed in order to progressively substitute them.

In collaboration with Global Green and Healthy Hospitals member UHC Mohammed VI of Marrakech, HCWH Europe conducted a survey on medical device procurement practices in Morocco, collecting information about the level of knowledge, and the attitudes and behaviours of professionals using medical devices containing PVC plasticised with DEHP.

The results of this survey are set out in a report (also published in French), which aims to gain a better understanding of the Moroccan regulatory framework and the level of involvement of suppliers, as well as to suggest potential improvements to speed up the implementation of these substitution alternatives in healthcare institutions.

In addition to recommendations and awareness-raising, HCWH Europe also aimed to provide an information exchange with Europe – giving an overview of how EU legislation works and also showcasing numerous substitution initiatives already taking place in Europe that may also be applicable in Morocco.

The information derived from this survey provides a base for the assessment of the theoretical knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and the professional practices regarding the procurement of medical devices in Morocco.

Access the report here: [EN] | [FR]

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